AdSense Disclaimer

Hi there! My name is Ashton and I made this website called EasyWalls.

On some pages of this site, you might see ads. These are put there by a company called Google AdSense.

How it works:

  • Google puts the ads on my site
  • If people click the ads, I earn a little bit of money
  • This helps me pay for running EasyWalls

Important things to know:

  • I don’t pick which ads show up
  • The ads come from lots of different companies, not from me
  • If you buy something after clicking an ad, I might get a small fee
  • Clicking ads is always your choice! No pressure

I wanted to explain this so you know what’s going on with those ads. If you have any other questions, just ask!

Thanks for visiting EasyWalls. I hope you find the tips and ideas helpful for your home projects.

Happy decorating!
